Educate Your Kids about Summer Bike Safety
Summer is almost here and your kids will be out of the house playing and biking all over the neighborhood. Now is a good time to teach them about riding their bicycles in a safe manor. Your homeowner’s policy can
provide coverage for bicycle theft, and some homeowner’s policies have low coverage limits for things like sporting equipment. If you own a high value bike you may want to make sure it is properly covered. Remember any loss covered will be subject you homeowner’s insurance deductible.
Bike Safety Tips
• Always have your child wear a properly fitted helmet.
• Maintain your bikes on a regular basis to be sure they are functioning properly.
• Do not get distracted. Do not listen to music or talk on the phone while bike riding.
• Whether daytime, dawn, dusk, foul weather, or at night, you need to be seen by others. Simply wearing white does not insure your visibility.
• Avoid Riding at Night.
• Go with the flow. Bike in the same direction as traffic.
• Obey All Traffic Laws. A bicycle is a vehicle, and you are a driver. When you ride in the street, obey all traffic signs, signals, and lane markings